Summer Camp Counselor Jobs 2025
Please Read All Information Before Completing The Application

Welcome to the Swift Nature Camp Family. With your help, we will provide a valuable learning experience for everyone involved. For those who have been counselors before, you know that camp provides an experience like no other, for those joining us for the first time, you will be part of that special magic that only happens at camp. Camp is a unique environment where lifelong friends are made and each family member realizes the positive impact they can make on each other and the world. It is the hardest job in the world but you will receive so much if you give it your all. Camp Jobs Are Resume Builders because they provide Real-World Experience & Traspherable Skills.

Staff Goals

Guide campers in making sound decisions

Increase camper self-confidence and independence

To teach outdoor living skills

To play without the goal of winning

To increase respect for the environment

Encourage camper participation

Promote a safe and healthy camp environment

Participate as a considerate family member


***Open Positions***
Online Staff Application U.S. Residents Only

* Male Counselors (6 positions left) live in a cabin, daily camper responsibility (may have a specialty)

* Female Counselors (6 positions left) live in a cabin, daily camper responsibility (may have a specialty)

* Nature Center Director-Experience teaching hands-on nature & science

* Tripping Director -Experience in canoeing and backpack trips

* Archery Instructor-Experience and certification in teaching Archery to children

* Riflery Instructor-Experience and certification in teaching riflery to children

* Boating Director (Canoe, Sailing & Row )-Experience in teaching canoeing and sail

* Counselor in Training (CIT) Director-teach 16/17 year olds how to be good staff

* Cook & Cook helper-Experience working in kitchens and preparing meals for 100's

* Camp Nurse - A Wisconsin Rn that wishes to live in the northwoods of Wisconsin

* Swimming Director (WSI, Lifeguard)-Experience in swimming at all Red Cross Levels

* Team Course Instructor-Experience in teaching team building activities


As counselors the needs of our campers come First.
Our goal is to guide campers, set examples for them, and help them to make good decisions.

Doing this is not easy
It requires us to think of others before ourselves

...and Dance like nobody is Watching







This is a true story of the benefits of camp!
Stereo, a 4-year counselor gained skills he uses every day as a teacher.

Today in class I had a student who was having a tough day behaviorally. So in an attempt to try and cheer him up, I asked him to smile a little bit more, frustratingly he asked why and I told him because when he smiles the whole world will smile back. He half smirked at me and said, "I don't know what would make me smile today."For some reason, the first thing that came out of my mouth was, "Well what can make a hippopotamus smile?" He then looked at me like I was absolutely insane. At that very moment, I broke out in full camp mode and sang the entire hippopotamus song to not only him but my entire middle school behavior class. At the end of the song not only was he was smiling and so were the rest of my students, but so was the whole class.

Boys at Camp

Later in the day, that very student came up to me and thanked me for always being there even when he doesn't want me to be. While I may be trained and well versed in non-violent crisis intervention and prevention, I still believe that there is nothing that a good camp song cannot fix. It has been many years since I have spent a summer at Swift, but my memories will last a lifetime. If any of my former campers read this, please don't forget your summers at Swift. Please don't forget what I always told each of you, you are amazing in your own way. You all have the potential and the ability to do great things, just stay focused and continue the hard work. But don't forget however to stop and have fun along the way, because what's life without a little fun and adventure. With SNC Pride, SteveO

Swift Nature Camp -Qualities of Great Counselors

Being Intentional- We have all heard of the "magic" of summer camp. But that is only a part of the story, more importantly, there is the intentionality of camp. It is more than just letting our camp days happen. It is knowing and imagining what we want from our campers, fellow staff, and ourselves. Camp provides a safe haven for working through real-life situations: resolving conflict, team building, critical thinking, making choices, and interacting with others all with a positive outcome. These are real-life skills that you get to develop and use every day.


Life is a choice-We must realize that everything we do is intentional and each and every one of our decisions has a consequence. All of our life is a choice. We can choose to ignore a camper's unacceptable behavior and chances are it will persist or we can choose to counsel the child in an effort to guide them down a more fertile path.


Generosity- Being an SNC Counselor is all about giving. Giving of yourself, your time, your energy. These are all gifts that you must be willing to freely give 24/7 to your children.


Dedicated- When things get tough do you give up? Do you take the easy route? Camp is a place where we need to go back to the drawing board and figure out why it's not working. What we need to do to mold our campers into a positively motivated team, that respects and listens to each other.


Fun- Fun, and smiles are what make the world a happier place. No matter how difficult a day might be a smile seems to make it better. Share a smile and brighten someone's day. FUN begins as an attitude and becomes a way of life. There is nothing more rewarding than a happy child.


Caring- When you look into a child's face can you remember your days as a youth? Can you remember how that special someone listened to what you had to say, how they made you feel important? Can you do the same? Can you do it every day for all of camp?


Counseling- That's more than just a title for your job, it's really what your position is at camp. It's not yelling, ordering, demanding, or punishing.


It's taking time to listen to a child than helping them look at the options and pick the best option open to him or her. This takes time and energy and is much harder than just saying do this, but that's what counseling is all about.


Servitude- Being a staff member at Camp is all about doing things for others. It requires losing yourself and becoming part of the camp team. When we think of our needs and wants we lose sight of our purpose "the children". When all campers and staff alike say "how can I help" it makes everyone's load a little easier. Many committed hands make for light work.


Age appropriateness- As we grow and develop we learn new things, some of which do not necessarily make us better people ( swearing, sex, meanness, sarcasm, etc.). It is important that we as staff and role models work with children and have good clean fun.


Respect- As we give respect to other staff and the campers it will be returned 10 fold.


Grace- We are dedicated to each camper and staff for their individual abilities and contributions to camp. We all have talents that we can share. Can you see the positives in others? Can you reward them for making a good choice? Is it easier for you to say good things rather than bad? There is no room at camp for keeping score.


Responsibility- The awesome responsibility is not just the 10 or so children that you will need to keep safe. Responsibility is for yourself and doing the right thing. It is being responsible to your supervisors and respecting their authority.


Growth- We are all on our own personal journey. For campers, camp is a place where we support others, where we help others up rather than tear them down to make ourselves look better. The physical, mental, and spiritual growth of every person is very important at SNC. We want everyone to leave Swift with more esteem for others and themselves, to feel more confident in their abilities to be accepted and understood as part of humanity and to feel positively challenged to work and plan for a successful life. Our program and facilities have been designed with the positive growth of people in mind.


Reflection- We encourage physical activity and new challenges throughout our daily schedule, allowing time to rest and reflect on the day's events. Are you willing to help a child process their day? Do you feel comfortable sitting on each child's bed at night and asking every child in your cabin, What made you happy, What made you sad and what would you like to see happen tomorrow.
If this sounds like you, please continue on...this journey



Cabin Counselor Job Description

~At least 18 years of age

~High school diploma required, one or more years of college preferred

~Experience as a camper, or working with children as a leader or assistant leader

~A basic understanding of children and the ability to develop an up-beat and positive relationship with them

~A current Red Cross CPR and First Aid Card. (training will be provided if needed)

1)Lives in a cabin with one other counselor and a total of 10 campers

2)Assumes responsibility for leadership and guidance to those campers in daily living skills,with special attention to:

~Personal hygiene, safety & manners

~Camper personal interactions, encouraging kindness & respect of others

~Camper participation in all camp activities

~Camper personal growth, self-confidence, and independence through group living

3) Participates in the planning and participation of camp activities including games, sing-alongs, skits, vespers and campfires

4) Assumes responsibility for leading and assisting as an activity specialist during programmed cabin activities, and teaches outdoor living skills during canoe, backpack or bike trips.

5) Takes responsibility for living by the camp rules while enforcing the rules, policies, and traditions of the camp

6) Maintains a positive attitude while serves as a good role model to campers in personal language, appearance, manners and health habits

7) Puts campers needs before their own, making each camper feel like the most important child in the world

8) Assumes total responsibility for the health, safety and welfare of the campers entrusted.


Terms & Salary
Counselor employment begins at 9am on May 16th, 2025 and continues until August 07th, 2025 at 3pm. Counselors without current Red Cross CPR and First aid training as well as counselors who wish to be certified in Lifeguarding will be trained before kids arrive. We ask all to attend. During employment, time off, salary payment and other employment specifics are outlined here and have more details in the Swift Nature Camp Counselors guide. Salary amounts are gross wages before all taxes and are based on experience and qualifications.

Base Salary $2250 (Includes:Travel Stipend, Completion Bonus)

Activity Leader $100

Bonus Program up to $300 (weekly reviews)

Room and Board Value $500.00 not a cash payment

Lifeguard - Free Red Cross lifeguard Training (if desired)

At camp you will need very little cash, so most staff go home with their full check.



Time Off
4 Days off (2pm-2pm) before each session

2 Days off (11am-11pm)

3 Half Day off (3pm-11pm)

4 Evenings (6pm-11pm) (Plus every other eve 9pm-12am)

* SNC reserves the right to BREATHALYSE any staff member after time off. Your Results May result in Termination





Please print this and read this agreement prior to completing the application. During the interview, we will refer back to this information. Please have your questions about camp ready to ask at that time. We want your camp experience to be good for you and everyone involved, so understand we take this seriously and so should you. Being a counselor is NOT all fun and games it has huge responsibility and the contract you will be signing is an agreement. between you and camp. We want our agreement with you to be as clear as possible. Your signature means you agree to everything here, the Job Description and the Contract.


Welcome to the Swift Nature Camp Family. With your help, we will provide a valuable life-changing experience where we all respect each other, support each others differences, encourage personal growth and feel deeply connected to each other. For those who have been counselors before, you know that camp provides an experience like no other. For those joining us for the first time, you will be part of the special magic that happens only at camp. Swift Nature Camp is a unique environment where lifelong friends are made and each family member realizes the positive impact they make on each other and the world.


Swift Nature Camp exemplifies positive leadership by helping create a world of people who respect each other and the natural environment. We help children be the very best they can be, thereby contributing positively to their future and to future generations.


Staff Goals

  • -Participate as a respectful, encouraging, considerate Swift family member
  • -Get to really know each camper, listen to them and help them understand their feelings
  • -Increase camper self-confidence, independence and caring for others
  • -Encourage camper participation and cooperation
  • -Teach minimum impact outdoor living skills (canoe, backpack)
  • -Increase camper respect for others and the environment
  • -Promote a physically and emotionally safe and healthy camp environment
  • -Take responsibility for living by the camp rules while enforcing the rules, policies, and traditions of the camp
  • -Play without the goal of winning

As counselors, the needs of our campers come First. Our goal is to lead by example and guide campers to make good decisions. Want to learn more about your style? Take the Parenting Quiz


Exactly What will I Be Doing?
Your job at camp is unlike than any other job; it has no day-to-day regularity, defined limits or relation to normal wage schedules (if your doing this for the money, ya might want to reconsider coming to camp). Your time may include helping on work crews, sitting up at night with a homesick camper, use of a unique talent (singing, painting or just being silly, etc.) and a lot of other small but important things required to run a camp. It is not an easy job, nor a vacation. It is extremely demanding requiring flexibility, endless energy and a willingness to sacrifice your personal needs and wants for the children. The reward is an unforgettable time with life long friends and knowing you have helped to mold a child. No small responsibility. If you're in school to become a teacher, this is a great training ground for you. Ask how we can even work out an INTERNSHIP for you. Your responsibilities are outlined here and in the Counselor Job Description. To learn more about camp activities and daily schedules, take the SNC Camp Tour.


Living in a camp community is like living in a very small town; everything you do and say has an impact on others. Our goal is to model the positive impact we can make on others. As a cabin counselor, you will be living with and responsible for a group of campers in their living quarters. You will be helping them in their daily life including: getting to activities on time, personal hygiene, cabin & bathroom cleanup, laundry and reading stories at night. You will work with staff members in the various camp activities and functions. Flexibility is the key, one day you might dress up like Justin Bieber and sing or play air guitar like Eddie Van Halen; the next day you might reassure a nervous camper about to depart on a canoe trip. If your position at camp is something other than as a cabin counselor, you will have additional responsibilities and we can talk about those during your interview... still all this stuff applies to you.


Camp is designed so Cabin Counselors are often Activities Instructors. As an Activities Instructor, you will teach specific skills in your area of expertise. like archery, canoeing, riflery, team building and more. We will provide you with instructions, lesson plans, encouragement, guidance and support before camp begins. The administrative staff is always available to help with the daily challenges of being a camp counselor. As a vital member of Swift Nature Camp, You are responsible for organizing and carrying out your responsibilities on a daily basis. Being prepared is important! What would you do on a rainy day? How would you keep your group busy for 10 minutes before a meal? Having a bag of tricks always helps in these times. If you do not have a bag of tricks get materials before you arrive at camp or we can help you build your bag.


Each cabin will take out of camp trips by backpack, canoe, or bike. This is a great opportunity for campers to learn independence, become a motivated team, and see a reason to preserve nature and wildlife. As a counselor of your cabin you will be responsible to promote these areas on trips. Don't worry we teach you all you need to know during Staff Orientation.


Being with the campers 24/7 takes understanding, patients, respect and a deep love of children. Being a counselor is FULL TIME! You must love being with children-all the time for this to work! Our campers range in age from six to fifteen; like most kids, they are looking for people they really like to be their role models. Your conduct, personal language, table manners, mannerisms and health habits are a model for our campers. We have high standards. BOTTOM LINE SNC is a place for counselors with high MORALS. We need Swift family members to be more concerned about others than themselves. Ask yourself this question... Do I frequently say "How can I help"? If so, we want you to be part of our Family. In many ways, you are as parents. Think about how many aspects of your personality are learned from your parents! This is serious stuff!


Camp is a place to make new camp friends, so we generally do not hire friends. Cabin assignments are made before each session begins, so we get to know everyone better before a specific assignment is made. We try to consider your wishes but ultimately it's what is best for the campers, the camp, and other staff members. It's not always an easy job, we do the very best we can.



Dealing with Campers Emotions

What if we taught children the names of their feelings....

Then asked them how they felt....

Then really listened?

Could this change the world?

Swift Nature Camp is so much more than a place where children learn about Nature or Swimming. It is a special place where children learn about themselves and how to relate to others. It is a safe place where we work hard to make each child feel as if they are the most important child in the world. How do we do this? It requires staff to be 100% emotionally available for their children and be willing to empathize with camper emotions and be willing to support campers with their feelings. So how will you do in this endeavor? Ask yourself these questions :
1). Will I be aware of the camper's emotions? what their needs are before they ask or cry.
2). Will I recognize campers' emotions and actions as an opportunity for building friendships and teaching life lessons?
3). Do I feel comfortable listening empathetically to campers' emotions and feelings and willing to validate those feelings?
4). Can I help campers find words to label and describe their emotions?
5). Will I be able to coach campers in possible solutions and strategies to solve the problems at hand.

If you feel comfortable with these five steps, I'm sure you are on your way to being a Great counselor at Swift. Not sure if this is for you? Want to learn more about validating emotions? Take a little time and take the Emotional Intelligence Quiz, it's a great way to see how in-tune you are to others' emotions. Emotional Intelligence Quiz


What Do I Get From the Camp?
At camp, we work as a team and we each have responsibilities. Here is what you can expect from us: We will provide you with room and board, without cost, during your entire stay at camp. This represents an additional nontaxable benefit in the amount of $500.00(noncash payment) per summer. We agree to provide room and board which you agree to accept at camp and on all camping functions. Your residency and attendance at meals are a mandatory part of your job. It's during this "living time" when you lead by example and teaches social and daily life skills like; conflict resolution, friend making, responsibility, laundry, sweeping, bed making, table manners, shirt folding and so much more.

We pay your salary, as written in your contract, at the close of the camp season. If you wish, during camp you may draw up to 50% of your earned salary; just give us a day or two's notice. In most cases, we are required by state and federal governments to withhold a portion of your salary for the payment of income and social security taxes. If this is required in your case, the amount of income withheld will be shown on your final paycheck. You will need very little money during camp, many of our staff leave camp with their total paycheck amount. We suggest that you do not bring large sums of money to camp. When you need money, let us know and we can get some for you.

We provide a transportation stipend as shown in your contract. The stipend is payable at the end of the season when you have successful completed your term of employment. The stipend is nontaxable. Should you leave before the date shown on your contract, you are not entitled to your stipend. If your actual travel expenses are less than your stipend, you keep the excess amount. If your expenses are greater than the stipend, you pay the difference.

websiteWe will provide you with health care just like we provide for our campers. If medical supplies are given for the treatment of a medical condition, we will charge you the same rate we would charge our campers. Services and supplies provided without charge to our campers will be provided without charge to you. Campers rely on each staff member and need you to be with them. It is important that you take care of yourself while at camp. SNC provides you with up to 24 hours of paid sick time while in the Health Center, for each day after that we deduct $20 from your travel stipend. It's not a position we like, but one we feel helps encourage you to go to bed early and take care of yourself.


We are responsible for accidents or injuries as covered by Wisconsin Worker's Compensation Law. All U.S. citizens and resident aliens are covered by Wisconsin's Worker's Compensation Laws and the camp provides insurance to cover those benefits. You agree not to hold us or the camp responsible for accidents, special medical or hospital services unless they are within the provisions of the Wisconsin Worker's Compensation Law.

Any extension of chronic illness is not covered. Staff members from overseas who are not resident aliens or citizens are usually covered by health insurance provided by the sponsoring international exchange agency.


We provide Staff Orientation ten days or so before the campers arrive. During this time we help you feel comfortable in your job and your new home. Orientation is included in your dates of employment; it's not extra time you have to spend at camp. This is time to train you, get camp ready, and get to know each other. This is also a time that we can judge how you are fitting into our way of life. In extreme situations, staff have been asked to leave prior to the children coming to camp.


We provide optional ARC Lifeguard Training for those who wish to attend, beginning six days prior to Staff Orientation. Classes are intense (8hr days) and require you to be a strong swimmer. We do not pay you for taking this class, nor is there a charge for attending. As a Lifeguard, you will receive an experience bonus of an additional $75 for the summer.

We will provide ARC First Aid and CPR Training as required for employment. We teach classes three days prior to Staff Orientation. If you do not have current Red Cross Certification in First-aid and CPR you must attend these classes. We do not pay you for taking these classes, nor is their a charge for attending these classes.


We give you plenty of free time during the 8 weeks that our campers are with us. Each day you will receive 1 hour off. In addition, you will have every other night off (10-12pm). Each night one counselor from every cabin goes to bed with their campers. If it is your night off you must remain in camp where you can enjoy the staff lounge. During your time at camp you will receive;

  • 4-Days Off (2pm-2pm) One day off before the beginning of each session
  • 2-Days Off (11am-11pm)
  • 3-Half-Day Off (3pm-11pm)
  • 5-Evenings Off (6pm-11pm)
  • Every other Night Off ( 10pm-12pm must remain in camp )STAFF THAT LISTEN

We try to schedule time off equally per session and do not allow staff to put time off together. Our first priority is to the campers, and to have adequate coverage to ensure their safety. We will try to give you time off as requested; please let us know as soon as possible if you need specific time off. We also allow staff to trade time off as long as it's approved by the Director.


In the event of a death or illness of a family member, a leave of absence may be granted by the Director. The leave may not exceed three days without loss of pay.


We hope you will use and enjoy camp equipment (except power boats and vehicles) and facilities when off work. Please use them safely and at your own risk and you agree that no liability will be placed on the camp its directors, or others arising from accidents, injuries, illnesses, or damages because by their use. This includes actions taken by your parents or heirs. Liability, if any is limited by Wisconsin's Workman's Compensation Act. You may be held responsible for costs due to your negligence, inappropriate use, destruction or loss of camp equipment. Please treat all camp equipment as if it were your own.


We will give you as much help and advice as we can in any matter relating to your children and cabin goals whenever you need it. Our role as employers is to help you do the best job you can. However, we are also your friends and have an understanding ear. Our system of evaluations is an ongoing daily process. Formally, we will have a conference with you near the middle of the summer and again at the end of the season; you can give us your impression of your own performance and we will give you our impressions. Please also critique our performance as camp Directors, so we can learn from you.

What is expected of me?
At Swift Nature Camp we expect each counselor to share our camp's Philosophy and meet the Staff Goals and duties as outlined here and in the Job Description. More importantly, we need our staff to devote themselves to the needs of the children and meet their needs before our own. If your coming to camp to party or have a summer fling .....please stay home.


These are our expectations of you while you work with us:

We expect that you will come to camp well rested; while at camp, you need to get enough sleep to get you through long active days. Because you are dealing with children whose physical and emotional safety is directly in your hands, we have an 11pm curfew for all staff to be back in camp and a 12am curfew for staff to be in bed. Every other night you will go to bed with your children (10pm) and be required to stay in your cabin the remainder of the night. We expect that you will always give Swift Nature Camp your very best effort. Doing your best also means taking care of yourself and getting plenty of sleep.


You will furnish all of your personal clothing, equipment, sheets, linens, towels. You will be held financially responsible for camp store purchases, medical expenses, etc. (to the extent used). You will receive a packing list in May. This is not an absolute list, rather, it's a guide. Your clothing should not be fancy but we do expect that you will look neat and clean. Our goal at camp is to have children appreciate basic living, so please bring your favorite books, games, juggling balls or any other thing you might have to help entertain children during downtimes. International staff bring things from your homeland (flag, money, maps, food). Please limit the electronics you bring to camp, it's not part of the north woods atmosphere we are trying to promote. We will take your electronics from you and make them available on your time off, out of sight of campers. A cabin radio will be supplied all you need bring is CDs for all to enjoy. Your music should be kid-approved. So listen to the words before you bring it. You may bring pets to camp, they must be able to live in the Nature Center and be friendly around campers.


Swift Nature Camp lodgeYou are required to submit evidence of good health. We will provide you with a health examination form. The examination can be no more than one year prior to the 1st day of camp and should be filed with the camp office before you arrive. If you do not file a health examination form by the time you get to camp, we will arrange for your examination by the doctors in town (you will be charged the current rate for this exam). We Drug Test (This includes: amphetamines, methamphetamines, morphine, cocaine & marijuana) and a Tuberculosis Test, all staff during orientation. Camp does pay for this drug test. In addition, random drug tests take place during the summer.

You are a representative of Swift Nature Camp, and we will treat you like an adult. Both within and outside camp your actions bear directly upon our reputation and campers' attitudes. Please think about that at all times. You might disagree with a few of our methods and traditions, but we expect you will happily support our philosophy. If you have personal differences with the philosophy and methods of camp, please talk with us and only us about those differences. We will try to work them out. Never should campers be involved with your concerns.


One other thing to note, because we are such a small community and everything you do can affect others, there is little room for gossip. Gossip if true or not takes time away from our campers. Negative Put-downs or untrue comments can spread and make camp extremely miserable for those who are involved. So the best advice is to keep out of the rumor mill. There is never a place at camp for sarcasm, it is not funny so if it is something you can't control please do not go any further on the application.


Let's talk about relationships. They take our time and energy away from the children. Camp is a wonderful place to meet great people. But these relationships should not be our primary focus and never should they be apparent to campers or others. Become friends and after camp take it to the next notch. So please work hard at not letting relationships at camp flourish, just be friends.


What About Camp Rules
As in any community, it is important for everyone to know what is expected of them. We are no different. We have Staff Rules, and appropriate punishments when rules are broken...with the most severe leading to a loss of position. Swift Nature Camp uses a progressive warning system (verbal, written, dismissal) for most violations. We strive to be fair and consistent with all staff members. The bottom line... do your job, care about the campers and we won't have any problems. Don't do your job or break the rules and you will be leaving us early. We are not afraid to let go of staff that are not meeting the needs of the campers or care little for camp rules. So make it easy on all of us, if you can not live by our rules please look elsewhere for a summer job.


Here are some of the most important rules;

1) We have a zero-tolerance of the Illegal use of drugs. It is not permitted at any time and it should never be in your possession. Drug testing is done randomly throughout the summer. If you use drugs, please do not apply. You will be terminated if testing positively on a drug test.

2) Alcohol is strictly prohibited on camp property, during camp programs, or anytime you are with campers. Under age drinking (21), even if off camp property is not permitted. Lawful but excessive use of alcohol is not permitted. Our goal is to provide campers a safe place, coming back to camp under the influence will be cause for dismissal.

3) Smoking or tobacco products are not permitted on camp premises or in the presents of campers. We only hire nonsmoking applicants, so this should never be an issue.

4) Staff should become friends with each other but never overstep the boundary of friendship to relationship and never engage in sexual activities.

5) Staff should never be in compromising situations with campers. This includes; unsafe situations, physical violence, sexual activity, harassment, emotional abuse and any other inappropriate action.

6) Staff and campers are not permitted to have Food, Gum and Soda in cabins or around camp. Food in cabins attracts critters! After dinner treats are available from our camp store and a staff snack is usually available in the staff lounge. You will be supplied with a special staff location to store your food and pop. Please consume it there and not in the presence of campers!!!!! GUM is never permitted at camp.


What about the legal Stuff?
This contract is based on your willingness to live in a communal setting (working conditions are governed by the laws of the State of Wisconsin), to respect Swift Nature Camp's (SNC) rules and to conduct yourself at all times in a manner that reflects favorably upon both you and SNC. By agreeing to work at SNC, you are affirming your commitment to the Physical and Mental well-being of the campers which you have been entrusted with. You agree to learn, enforce and cheerfully follow the rules and regulations of SNC and to accept all conditions included in this agreement and the contract.


Employment dates are outlined in the Job Description. We will terminate your employment if your conduct, physical condition, services, attitude or influence is deemed unsatisfactory, or for any other cause. If you are terminated or leave for any reason prior to the ending date on your contract, your salary will be prorated, and no travel reimbursement will be paid. However, If you leave because of reasons beyond your control, your salary and travel reimbursement will be prorated, based on the number of days actually worked.

If a condition such as illness, epidemic, government restriction or decree, acts of God or other reasons make it necessary or advisable to reduce staff, shorten the camping season or close the camp prior to the arrival of campers, the camp may declare this contract to be null and void. Any changes to this contract must be in writing, signed and attached to this contract.


You understand that all portraits, written materials, video tapes or photographs taken of you while at camp may be used by the camp for our advertising and promotional literature and you agree to waive all right to inspect and/or approve the finished product or copy or any right to it.


Other stuff to know
While at camp you will be given a specific place and time to use your cell phone. Most phones do work at camp but service is spotty. Please only have family members call the camp's business line in an emergency. Phone and Internet use is permitted only during your time off.  Please do not bring your computer to camp unless needed for school. Wifi is provided..

Parents of campers are told they are not to give gifts of merchandise or money to staff members. To accept a gratuity is to weaken the relationship between counselors and camp families. Since every effort is made to treat each camper fairly without special favors. Tips can put you in an awkward position and are prohibited.


We are not responsible for your personal property, vehicles, money or equipment while at camp or while traveling to or from camp if lost or damaged for any reason such as: fire, water, theft, laundry, act of God, accidents or by campers or staff. In the cabins we want you to build an open atmosphere encouraging trust and respect. Therefore, we ask that you not lock your things up. For your valuables, we do have a safe place available away from your cabin, but the best idea is to leave them at home.


You will not be required to drive personal cars as part of your camp responsibilities. However, you may be asked to drive camp vehicles. You and camp are fully insured when you are driving. Should you bring your own car to camp, you can drive it only during designated time off. Camp takes no responsibility for damage to any personal belongings or vehicles.

Staff may have visitors to camp with the prior permission of the Director. Every effort will be made to schedule a day off when visitors are expected, maybe they can even join us for a meal.


Our camp is nonreligious but spiritual and teaches positive values ( honesty, trust, friendship, love, etc.). Because religion is personal, we maintain a nonsectarian approach to all religious dealings. Topics of discussion, personal beliefs and points of view which may be completely appropriate in other settings are not appropriate when talking with campers in a camp environment.


Tell Me More About Staff Orientation
Orientation is a lot like camp, we get up early and work late, there is little time to leave camp and no nights off. It is used for opening the camp and preparing for the arrival of campers and staff training. During mandatory orientation, your employment will be probationary. Physical work is involved and camp improvements are made. Bring a pair of work gloves and old clothes suitable for raking, painting and cleaning. Staff training includes discussion sessions dealing with various aspects of child development, camp policy, counseling methods and camp programs. Demonstrations and skill practice sessions are held for various program activities. This is a period of both hard work and incredible fun! All camp staff are required to have CPR and First Aid, we will provide these classes as well as Life Guarding for those that wish to participate.


What Happens Next
The employment process can be a long one. Here is how it works;

Complete the employment application
By completing the application you agree with all of the information contained in the "Job Description" and "Life at Swift Nature Camp", as shown on the website.

An interview takes place they usually last 1-2 hours and we agree on camp philosophy and how best to counsel children. More importantly, we feel comfortable with each other and know we can spend a summer living & working together.

Then It's time for us to call your references. We require Four references. We ask that at least three are from people you have worked with, studied under, or volunteered with and one from a family member. Once this is done, we'll call for a final interview.

Provide all goes well in the final interview, you will receive two signed contracts. The Employment Contract shows the date of employment and your salary for the summer. After agreeing to all the information, sign, keep one for yourself and mail the other to the address below. At this point, we have an agreement and we will see you at camp. During early May, you will receive additional information such as packing lists, directions and much more.


So, that's it and that's a lot.
We think it's really important to be straightforward and clear with each other, which is why we have written this for you to understand NOW not after you arrive at camp. Working at camp should be the most fun and rewarding job you've ever had, it may also be the second hardest job in the world (the first being a Parent!). If you want to be a camp counselor for the right reasons [THE CHILDREN] the work will be easy and the benefits to you will be tremendous.

When we all do our part, the "Swift Nature Camp Team" works better than you could ever imagine, our campers will have a great summer, we'll learn a ton about ourselves and you'll have more fun than you'd ever believe possible!



Should you have any questions or concerns please call us, I'm sure we can work it out...........

Jeff & Lonnie Lorenz

Winter: 25 Baybrook, Oak Brook , Il. 60523 Phone/fax: (630)-654-8036
Camp: W7471 Ernie Swift Rd, Minong Wi, 54859 Phone/fax (715)466-5666
E Mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


25 Baybrook Ln.
Oak Brook, IL 60523
Phone: 630-654-8036
W7471 Ernie Swift Rd.
Minong, WI 54859
Phone: 715-466-5666
