Adventure Awaits You
An integral part of our 3- and 6-week camp sessions is the overnight camping trips you will be taking! They are a perfect opportunity to fall in love with nature, overcome challenges, and make lasting memories with your closest camp friends. All you need is a spirit of adventure!
When it comes to nature, you’re in for a real treat. You will see natural areas teeming with wildlife; chances are you will see eagles, deer and maybe even a bear! You’ll encounter spectacular views, sunrises, sunsets, and amazing starry skies as you go to sleep each night. You and your cabin mates will find out what it must have been like to be one of the first explorers many years ago.
On these trips you’ll find your way to fun and adventure by hiking, canoeing, and even biking. No matter the mode of transport,you will learn valuable camping and wildlife skills. You’ll be equipped with knowledge about proper camping techniques and how to practice "leave no trace" principles. Learning by experience is the best way to master a new skill; these trips will allow you new ways to enjoy and care about the planet we live on.
Campers agree that SNC camping trips are a blast. They tell us time and time again that it is during these trips that cabin mates really come together as a team. You will be working together to build campsites, pitch tents, cook meals, and hike that last mile to a beautiful view. All this teamwork builds lasting friendships and memories. Trips away from camp aren’t always easy. Sometimes it rains or we forget to bring something we need, yet through it all we know that as a team we can meet any challenges that come our way. You will succeed and be proud of what you accomplished.
Don't worry, you won’t ever be on a trip that you can’t accomplish. All Sessions except Discovery camp participate in out of camp, overnight trips. We determine your choice of trips based on your age and skill level. Our older campers (13+) spend nearly 1/3 of their camp time on adventure trips to places like the Apostle Islands, Superior Hiking Trail, Brule River, National Wolf Sanctuary, Namekagon River, and the Porcupine Mountains.

If you love camping and are properly prepared (Completed Many Achievement Awards) a special Solo Camping trip is available. This is the pinnacle of outdoor camping. Solos provide the opportunity for you to use all your camping skills, while this alone time gives you a rare chance to slow down and reflect. For many of us this is a time of self discovery.

We can't wait for adventures with you!
25 Baybrook Ln.
Oak Brook, IL 60523
Phone: 630-654-8036
W7471 Ernie Swift Rd.
Minong, WI 54859
Phone: 715-466-5666