No days at camp are typical and here is kinda what you might expect.


During your time at SNC, your cabin will be your home base where you keep your belongings, go to sleep each night, and laugh with your camp family. It will house you, other campers your age, and at least two counselors. Each morning you will wake up together to start your day at the sound of the camp bell. You will then have a small amount of time to get dressed, brush your teeth, and head to flag for morning announcements. Some days you may even help putting the flag up. Following announcements comes breakfast. You’ll love the food! There are plenty of options like pancakes, waffles, bacon, and eggs. Once breakfast is complete and cabins have been cleaned, you will head with your cabin to first and second activities. These will usually be a surprise and are always a lot of fun. By staying with your cabin group during these morning activities, you will develop strong bonds while experiencing the many things that camp has to offer. Thus, whether you are headed to the Nature Center, Arts and Crafts, Lego, or Boating, you’ll have fun with your new friends!
Middle of the Day:After morning activities we have a delicious lunch followed by quiet time. You can spend quiet time resting, working on knowledge portions of achievement awards, reading, napping, or hanging out quietly with your cabin mates. After quiet time comes a lot of freedom. You get to choose your third activity. This means that you will have the option to spend it any way you choose while getting a chance to meet other campers who aren’t in your cabin. When third activity ends you will then be enjoying a camp favorite—FREE TIME! The name says it all. You are free to wander around camp and do whatever you’d like. There will be counselors all around camp so you’ll always have someone to help you get started out on a canoe, a game of soccer, or that friendship bracelet that you’ve been meaning to start!




Evening:Once the bell rings for dinner, you’ll head to the dining hall for another superb meal—taco Tuesday and pizza Friday are a couple of favorites! What comes after dinner is always exciting. It can be anything from visits by local wildlife experts, all camp capture the flag, counselor hunts, all camp swim, the talent show, camp store, and plenty more. Whatever the activity, it always involves everyone at camp and allows you plenty of more time for fun.

The day will end as you head to your cabin with your cabin mates. You’ll all get ready for bed and maybe spend some time just hanging out before you're hitting the lights. As you fall asleep, your counselors will always read a story (and they will never be scary) to your cabin. It’s the perfect way to end a fantastic day at SNC.
Typical Daily Schedule:
7:30 am. Rise and shine !
8:00 am. Flag raising, announcements, and breakfast
8:45 am. Cabin cleanup and inspection.(The cleanest cabin gets an award )
9:30 am. Cabin activity
11:00 am. Cabin activity
12:30 pm. Lunch and afternoon activity selection
1:15 pm. Quiet time (rest, read, or write home)
2:30 pm. Chosen activity session
4:15 pm. Free time and camp swim
6:00 pm. Dinner and flag lowering
7:00 pm. Evening programs including Capture the Flag, Skits, or a Counselor Hunt
9:00 pm.
Back to the Cabin
10:00 pm. Lights Out



Camp Store
After Dinner on Monday, Wednesday and Friday the Camp Store is open.
You will get your weekly allowance on Monday. Be sure to spend it wisely
so you have some money left for the rest of the week. There are loads of things
to buy like: Ice Cream, Yoyos, Flashlights, Postcards, Tshirts and much more.


These are just some of the fun activities you will do at SNC


Swimming - Fun Swim Horseback Riding Lego Camping Trips Animal Care
Swim Instruction Mountain Biking Capture the Flag Survival Skills Environmental Ed.
Diving Water Trampoline GaGA Ball Orienteering Life Cycles
Snorkeling Pottery Kick Ball Cooking Recycling
Tubing Painting Volleyball Fort Building Astronomy
Water Skiing Glass work Badminton Campfire Games Geology
Knee Boarding Crafts Basketball Camp Store Water Testing
Fishing Tie Dye Soccer Canoeing Compost & Recycling
Sailing Team Course Football Row Boating Animal Tracking
Archery Ping Ping Pickle Ball Kayaks Aquaponics
Sling Shots Frisbee Field Hockey Clowning Ecology
25 Baybrook Ln.
Oak Brook, IL 60523
Phone: 630-654-8036
W7471 Ernie Swift Rd.
Minong, WI 54859
Phone: 715-466-5666