please Print/Sign and bring with you to camp.

Swift Nature Camp (S.N.C.) Staff Conduct Agreement
Swift Nature Camp is a small (100 campers), child-centered community where Boys & Girls function in an atmosphere dedicated to fun and to individual personal growth. Camp life, with its intensive group living situations offers children an opportunity to personally grow and try new things without the direct supervision of their parents. Our goal as Counselors is to guide and support children in this new experience by putting our needs on hold and giving of ourselves unselfishly to the children.

Swift Nature Camp accepts all applicants who are willing to abide by the rules and policies. We expect and encourage each Staff to act with positive behavior toward all others. Camp requires you to put your needs second to the needs of your campers. Behavior should never be rude, mean spirited, mentally or physically harmful toward others. This would include verbal or physical aggression, theft, vandalism or violation of safety rules, is inappropriate. We will counsel and if necessary, disciplined Staff who do not respect the camp rules. If such counseling and discipline does not result in cooperation and positive behavior, we will be forced to terminate our relationship. At its sole discretion, camp has the right to dismiss any employee without payment of a travel stipened. Mandatory dismissal includes, but is not limited to, the use or possession of drugs, tobacco, alcoholic beverages, knives, guns or any other camp inappropriate or illegal substance. For cause we reserve the right to search Staff belongings.

We also wish to point out that our contract with each camper requires the same level of respect towards campers and staff alike. Please sign that you have read and agree with the Swift Nature Camp's Conduct Policy and the Life at Swift Nature Camp- A Counselor's Guide.

**Counselor:_______________________________DATE: _________





Swift Nature Camp (S.N.C.) Staff Technology Agreement

As a condition of employment at Swift Nature Camp (S.N.C.), you must agree to observe and abide by the following technology guidelines.

If you identify yourself as a Swift Nature Camp (S.N.C.) employee in a social networking profile, on a website, on a group page, or in a weblog, and/or use our camp name, logo, or any official camp photograph or text, everything and anything you post or say can be seen as a reflection of Swift Nature Camp (S.N.C.), even if you do not/did not intend it to do so or even if you state otherwise.

1) As a member of Swift Nature Camp (S.N.C.) I must request and receive prior written approval from the camp to

a. using the camp name or official camp logo or camp photograph

b. adding a link from a group page, profile, or other site to the official camp website

c. including text or photographs that are the property of Swift Nature Camp

d. including photographs of campers or other staff members

e. creating a camp "group page"

2) I agree to be respectful of S.N.C., its programs, the campers, and other employees in all communications in my profile, blog, or other Internet site(s) and communications. This includes the following:

a. I will not use obscenities, profanity or vulgar language.

b. I will not engage in harassment or intimidation.

c. I will not post comments that are derogatory with regard to individual person's race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, disability, or any other protected status.

d. I will not engage in sexually explicit, suggestive, humiliating, or demeaning comments.

3) I agree not to use a social networking profile, group page, weblog or other Internet medium to discuss behavior that is prohibited by camp policy including but not limited to alcohol or drug use, sexual behavior, delinquent behavior, destruction of property, harassment, or intimidation.

4) Once I identify myself as a staff member at Swift Nature Camp, the general public may see me as an ambassador or spokesperson of/for camp. I understand that as a condition of employment I must agree to and adhere to these guidelines. I understand that if any of the guidelines outlined in this measure are violated, it may result in disciplinary and/or legal action including the possible termination of my employment.

5) I understand that I may not give my contact information including cell phone number, e-mail, IM address, weblog, address or social networking site name or other contact information to a camper without parental consent. S.N.C. does not encourage or discourage contact between campers and camp staff in the post-camp season.

6) Swift Nature Camp Asks you to use Swift Nature Camp on facebook as the sole electronic means of communication with campers.

I have read and understand the above guidelines and agree to their terms.

_________________________________________________ ________________

Staff Signature Date

25 Baybrook Ln.
Oak Brook, IL 60523
Phone: 630-654-8036
W7471 Ernie Swift Rd.
Minong, WI 54859
Phone: 715-466-5666