Applicant Information

(State & #)


Camp Experience -- Camper Or Staff

Describe your camp experience, responsibilities and time you spent at each camp.

Volunteer & Extracurricular Activities

Employment Non-camp

Indicate any employer you do not wish us to contact and the reason

Camp Activities

Please use the below coding, do not leave any activity blank

0) Activities you have no skill in

1) Activities you can teach or organize

2) Activities you can assist in teaching

3) Activities that are just Hobbies

List your top three skills that you are capable of teaching at camp.

Select from the skills you marked on the activity list.
(Water Safety Instructor, Lifeguard, CPR, First Aid, Riflery, Boat Safety, Sailing, Canoeing, Archery)

Personal Thoughts


If not loading, search Youtube for "A Stolen Fairytale (PSA to stop child sexual abuse)" by "collectorsartistry"

Personal Characteristics

Rate your personal characteristics

#1- Hey that's me

#2- Sometimes that's me

#3- I never feel that way
Please tell us how these moods affect your every day life.

Complete the following

Please include any details or exceptions


Please list three references [not friends or relatives] that have knowledge of your character, experience, and your ability to work with children.


What medications will you be giving her?
In ordered to be hired a background check is mandatory
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25 Baybrook Ln.
Oak Brook, IL 60523
Phone: 630-654-8036
W7471 Ernie Swift Rd.
Minong, WI 54859
Phone: 715-466-5666
