So you have been practicing, working on your j stroke your cross bow rudder and learning how the rocks might appear in the river. Yet none of that seems to make sense when you hit the river for the first time. At Swift Camp we often paddle down the Namekagon River a National Scenic Riverway. It is such a beautiful spot. Once you seem to have your sea legs and feel comfortable staying off the rock and fallen trees, its time to look at the natural beauty. Canoeing is so peaceful and with every bend comes a new opportunity to see some wildlife. It’s not unusual to see deer, eagles and beaver on the river. Here is a hint: Be in the first canoe because these critters are sure scamper when they see you coming. The rest of the adventure is making the food setting up tents and hoping for wonderful weather. Its over the campfire while you reflect on the days challenges that you realize just how special it is to have stars, smores and good friendship.


25 Baybrook Ln.
Oak Brook, IL 60523
Phone: 630-654-8036
W7471 Ernie Swift Rd.
Minong, WI 54859
Phone: 715-466-5666
